Banana Writers
- Where Asian writers get unpeeled -
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BW Issue 06
Featured Writer: Kevin Kwan
The Photo
Shoot the rain from the sky...

Photos are the keys to our memories. They can bind people together or tear families apart.
Read the incredibly moving story of how a photograph of Elizabeth Taylor impacted the life of a Filipina-Burmese-Spanish writer.

The fabulous Kevin Kwan chats about writer's block, working for Oprah Winfrey and why new writers should release their "inner freak."

This morning Clara Chua was found dead. Yesterday, with regret sufficiently clouding her face, Clara was going to shoot the rain from the sky.
The BW team were blown away by a tragic, delicately written short story by a Singaporean writer.
Deer Hunting in Paris
Featured Writer: Amy Tan
China: A land flowing with the...

The Cynic

For when the cynic falls in love
It does not hit them all of a sudden
It creeps into their very heart and soul
Read the beautiful poem by a young Pakistani writer in Malaysia.
Do Asians all look the same?
Dyske is the creative genius behind the website that went viral and attracted millions of hits across the world. Hailing fron Japan, the clever cultural critique shares with us his fascinating views on stereotypes and social norms.

In her two decades as a author, Amy Tan has sold millions of books, won numerous awards and importantly was featured in an episode of The Simpsons!
But with success often comes criticism and challenges. In this exclusive interview with BW, Amy Tan gives great advice to new writers and shares her wisdom about how to deal with the haters.

Featured Writer: Dyske Suematsu

Is The Publishing Industry Racist?
Is The Western Publishing Industry Institutionally Racist?
How can Asian readers help bring positive change into the publishing industry? See what our very own “Top Banana” has to say about it in Huffington Post.

Babel of tongues
For foreigners who do not have a fairly good knowledge of China, Chinese is either Mandarin or Cantonese, which is nothing but a glaring misconception.
A Chinese writer gives a fascinating insight into the cultural value of dialects and why they should not be repressed in China.
Paula Lee is a Korean American writer you don't want to mess with. For her, hunting deer with guns is just another day at the office.
Read an extract from her gripping memoir that would make Donald Duck quiver in fear.
Featured Writers: George Vong
My Odds on Finding a China Wife

Behind the food and smoke of Chinese takeaways are families with strong stories waiting to be told.
Read the touching true life story of a girl growing up in a takeaway and the challenges her family faced.

“I will happily place a substantial bet with whichever firm can offer me the best odds, that China’s capital will be relocated within twenty years. Any takers?”
Meet George Vong, an author who is willing to put his money where his mouth is.

She of stunning beauty, silky long black hair and unending slender limb, demure, gentle, loyal and filial, and a lioness in the bedroom to boot...
A young, single East Asian guy shares his "mathematical" journey to find a wife more beautiful than Zhang Ziyi.