Banana Writers
- Where Asian writers get unpeeled -
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BW Issue 11
Reflections at 50
BW Interview: Banana Yoshimoto
Chinese Water Thoughts

"I grew up in a wooden shack out in the sticks – and we were not poor. The poor were people who stayed in squatter settlements. Over half a million (a quarter of the population) lived in disease ridden fire traps, smelling of pigs, chickens and unwashed people… We didn’t have a flush toilet until the 1970s. Yes, we had a hole in the floor."
A Singaporean looks back on his 50 years on earth and gives some good advice for the “pubbing” youngsters of today.

We are very excited to bring you a quick interview with the ultimate Banana!
Pinning down Banana Yoshimoto for an interview was like trying to walk on banana peels without slipping.
But when we finally unpeeled this best-selling author’s brain, we discovered a kind-hearted writer that shared the wisest words.

Time for a banana disco!
One of our first Banana Writers Lucy Sheen is working on a poetry anthology of all her best poems.
Lucy Sheen wrote a brilliant article for BW about her experiences of being transracially adopted.
We hope her poem anthology goes well and that you enjoy her poem.
Mile High Private Eye
BW Interview: Xiaolu Guo
Asians Aren't Funny?!

Andrew T Lee is an American Chinese actor and writer based in LA. He is passionate about comedy and would love to hear feedback from other collaborators. Read about his script and support this Asian writer who is trying to survive in the cut throat world of Hollywood.

“I don’ t think I write about sex particularly well, but I do know how to describe the aching feeling of isolation, loneliness, dislocation and the longing for love and warmth. Sex is only a way to connect to others, sometimes a strange and extreme way to connect.”
The well-respected Chinese novelist, Xiaolu Guo, gives an insightful and honest interview with BW. Not to be missed!

Also, joining us in our banana disco is Paula Lee, a Korean American Banana Writer who wrote a funny book about guns, game and headless chickens.
Read her feisty article about the lonesome, Asian comedian.