Banana Writers
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The Reflection & Other Musings
By: Fariq Yusoff

The Reflection
Nothing too far beyond the boundaries of existence,
A story lies in the depths of its magnificence,
Through the phantom, time and coincidences,
A tale of realities, colliding in an infinite precedence.
The Actor; Adaptable, dramatic & inventive.
The Rebel; Stubborn, dominant & selective.
The Child; Joyous, carefree & attentive.
The One; Subdued, aware & receptive.
On a warm blinding morning…
Beaming rays with a distinct cyan calm yet uncomfortable,
Baking necks while fresh warm winds danced around his stroll,
Blanketed by invisible steam that pressured his every step, palpable,
As secretion of sweat etched his limbs, straying his thoughts and control.
“Why such luck?” He uttered under his heaving heavy breath,
Down and battered he contemplated his untimely demise,
Then, a familiar figure, the Rebel, slowed his path stealing his penance of death,
A mask donned concealing his aches and freeing his lies.
The sun stood high and blazing rays of light pinching my skin….
He halted with a sharp piercing stare and muttered reasons.
"I beg your pardon?” The Rebel forcefully request.
As the heat altered the Actor, the Rebel faltered, to interrogate his own.
A solution unacceptable, perverse in the perseverance for an answer,
A potent conquest!
“Intolerable!” Answered the Rebel as the Actor cringed in his bones.
This congregation continued for hours and days,
Through sunlight and sunbeams in haze,
In darkened skies and stars ablaze,
Finding an old friend in each deep, haunting gaze.
Heated my mind, losing my sight, wearing me thin…
The Spirit of past and future reveals as the Phantom passes,
Speeding through their doubts, beliefs and emotions,
Slowly, surely, the Actor dissipates and anguish envelope the Rebel in Darkness,
He involuntarily slips into an abyss of confusion and frustration.
"Do not abscond from my heart!” Shrieks the Rebel as the latter left in moments,
Helplessly swimming in pounds of water dripping. Endless.
As the Actor blurred through the nebulous, crimson Sun. “Entombment!”
He sank to his knees, the Rebel scorned. Alone and powerless.
Scorched the surface and my lustrous landscape turns grim…
Egos in this Ethos of the present life’s rich tapestry,
The wisest lucubrate its history with an orison.
As the Rebel stand upright from the grounds of fallacy,
The Child appeared like first light from the horizon.
Playful gestures and wild imagination brings hope to the Rebel,
Bridging decades of despair and blissful blithe of his soul, insouciant.
All shall pass, as the past shall fall into place, compelling but subtle.
The Child shows the Rebel elation and exuberance.
The darkness and death, breathes life and hope in…
From ruination to patching it whole,
The Child plays, learning and collecting snippets of life’s quiddity,
Unknowingly, the Child seeks while the Rebel hides in a hole,
In true fact of the play, the Rebel, lost and disappeared in humility,
The Child, alone, frames from moment to moment.
Living in a picture book full of colours and blush,
Puerile in its nature and no fear yet to be spoken,
No future. No Past. Never too slow, never a rush.
The Phantom, a magician of sorts, in Life or Death it sings….
Suddenly, a candle was lit deep within, sparking mystery.
A lost connection, that transcends through Phantom and Space.
It grew with every gesture and play, like a seed in a nursery.
From questions, comes understanding, though frozen by fear in place.
The child confounded and cried in doubts and trepidation.
Piecing the puzzle of this mystery while taxing his juvenile thoughts.
Complexity in its essence, the Child faltered in a last shriek of condemnation,
Shrouded in confusion, he felt elevated in comfortable hands, he thought, was God.
Fuzzy vision while light unveils the dawn of morning...
"Awaken", a gentle whisper, warm in both his ears.
As the blindfold comes off the light pierced his sight.
Soft supple hands gently caress his rosy cheeks damped with tears.
"Do not despair. Do not fight the light!"
A figure appear, calm and safe, as the Child stood free.
Looking up with absolution that his saviour has arrived.
Nothing else was said. They understand what needs to be.
Sliding his hand, the child grasps his, in a hopeful and blissful vibe.
Clear presence, back and forth so effortlessly, in a summer's dream...
I awoke with a sudden breath of life, emerging from the depths of sleep,
Halt my thought from straying yet free to roam in its vastness of possibility,
Holding on to the wisdom of past, and the knowledge of the future I will keep.
Forever awaken in oneness from the Heart through Yesterday till Eternity.
My sight has set to the stars while the mind listens to my beating Heart.
It paves the road for my Soul. My eyes opened wide against the Sun.
Smiling in bliss without doubt and regret no matter how hard. Or when my Soul departs.
I am every moment. I am the Actor, the Rebel, the Child and the One.
Love Always, Your Grandson
His limbs misplaced.
His presence’s weak.
His actions laced.
His sweat reeks.
Inevitably trapped.
Careless existence.
Leaking, dabbed.
Inherent resistance.
Delayed Exit.
Troubling loves.
Features placid.
Destination above.
His inside crumbled.
Just within reach.
His outside humbled.
Welcoming immortal sleep.
Dear Grandpa,
I bid you farewell.
You’ve been strong, I saw!
It’s been intolerable, I can tell.
You have been missed in our hearts.
Still learning the lessons you teach.
Our love will hold and never part.
Your spirit always near, always within reach.
Green-eyed Monster
Hent my heart from wandering concepts of affection.
Recant the murmurs of insecurity that riddled my temple.
Like a slow wound toy, awaiting release from a child's grasp and attention.
Tossed and birl, whipsawed into the oblivion of life's gamble.
Take away this wretched knife in my side.
A knife that twist with every incantation.
Those bastards! Jackanapes! Stirring in the tides.
Exordium! When I appear to disappear. Insouciance!
This tires me into a gaumless breathing, beating whole.
Furl all I can, these products of fallibility and madcap.
As I breathe deep into a bibelot diamond. The centre of my soul,
I feel the urge to plotz from reminders and blankets.
As I indited a subtle line of assurance, I contrived.
Culling into materials and conversations. I quelled.
Forgoing this disposition. Finally, Peace has arrived.
Retribution in it full essence. Salient though disheveled.BW

I am an honest and loving human being of planet Earth. With 30 years of life experience, married to a beautiful Soul and currently plugged into a management job within a small advertising/production firm in Singapore.
Composing music, writing poetry pieces/lyrics and performing the arts and skateboarding are just a few of the things I love to do. I believe in a world of sharing. Be it in material items or even experiences. This belief has set me on a path of gratitude, kindness and an imploding feeling of oneness with everything. I write to simply share my thoughts and feelings with people of the world. I hope you see a reflection of yourselves within my intimate pieces.